‘If men knew what eternity is they would do everything to change their lives’

- Our Lady of Fatima

All year round we start Saturday morning with a swim at sunrise (6:00/6:30am). This has become a necessary part of the routine as we have a firm belief that we must never get too comfortable in this life. We believe that life is about giving what you have, not taking what you want. This requires us to embrace the uncomfortable, to take the narrow path, to overcome our own selfishness and seek to encourage and lift up those arounds us. Dragging yourself out of bed when it's dark, getting in your car and getting into some cold water is one way of practising this way of life.


At Mama's Boys we always pray the Rosary together. We are Catholic and rely upon the power of prayer, especially the Rosary. The Rosary was given to St Domonic by Our Blessed Mother herself as a way of combating evil in our world. As we pray together, we meditate on the life of Christ and allow Him to speak to our hearts. We leave behind the distractions of life and give our focus to God. The Rosary is not just for Saturdays, but is a daily devotion that our brotherhood encourages and holds each other accountable to. You do not have to be comfortable or even familiar with the Rosary to pray it well, it is something that requires persistence, humility and dedication; all qualities we seek to grow in. This is not a prayer for perfect people! Rather a prayer for sinners to open their hearts to God's perfect love. If you are not familiar with the Rosary or would like to know more, join us one Saturday morning, reach out to us online, or click this link for more info.

It is not good for men to be alone! This life is not just an individual journey made up of your own personal experiences, but it is also a journey WE are on together. Men need to share life together with other men in an encouraging, safe and positive way in order to be affirmed and validated in their own masculinity. Too many men are lone wolves, either climbing the ladder seeking personal,selfish goals, or flying under the radar, living passively so as to not rock the boat. If we are to be good, selfless, courageous, tough men, then we need other men around us on the same journey who are ready to pick us up when we're down, give us a word of encouragement, or a harsh truth, men who will both pull us into line and send us forward with confidence. We need men to look up to, men beside us and men to pass life lessons onto. We call Mama's Boys a 'brotherhood'. Each member takes the role of brother, and is responsible for playing his part for his brothers.